Village Greens


Village Green Farm Shop


Opening Times:

Monday-Sunday: 9.30-5pm 

Who We Are

Village Greens Farm Shop is a small family run business with two shops – one on the Denbies Wine Estate and one in the Surrey village of Ockley. We specialise in local produce, including some veg that we grow ourselves in the field at Ockley and seasonal cut flowers that we grow in the Victorian walled garden on the Denbies estate.

What We Do

We source a wide range of local, natural and ethical produce. Our shelves can provide pretty much everything that you need for a full weekly grocery shop.

We are famous for our cheese counter, all British cheeses, and specialising in Surrey and Sussex dairies. Perfect for a lunch time snack, dinner party, Christmas cheeseboard or even a wedding party. We can create bespoke cheese wedding cakes to order. We are always happy to let you taste a cheese before you buy.

We mark the seasons with fresh English produce : Dorking asparagus; over 25 types of Sussex apple direct from Ringden Farm through the autumn and winter months; and more than 20 varieties of tomato from the Nutbourne Nursery in spring and summer.

Our range also covers free range chicken, local sausages and pies, honey, jams, jellies and chutneys, bread and pastries delivered daily, beers, wine and local gins, fairly traded and/or organic teas, coffee, chocolate, sugar, rice, many other store cupboard essentials and eco-friendly household cleaning materials. We have a dedicated gluten free section.

Our plant centre has vines, dessert and wine varieties, as well as a selection of David Austen roses, perenniels and bedding plants.

With advance notice we can cater for group cheese tastings and talks to small groups on subjects including wildlife gardening.

Why We Do What We Do

We believe in local, natural, ethical food. These are values we hold dear to us and they’re completely embodied in Village Greens:

  • Local: We’re committed to reducing food miles and supporting small local producers.

We have over 60 producers based within 20 miles of the shop : supporting the local community, reducing food miles and increasing freshness.

Lower food miles = more food smiles!

  • Natural: Our own produce is grown without artificial chemicals. We seek out natural and organic products, and sell much fresh produce loose to reduce the need for single use packaging.
  • Ethical: We believe in treating all suppliers fairly, and especially those in the developing world. We have a range of fair trade / fairly traded coffee, chocolate, wine and other staples.

Where to Find Us

Our Denbies shop: As you come in, it’s just on the left of the Denbies main building.

Our Ockley shop: Coles Lane, Ockley, Dorking RH5 5LS

On our website

On our social media: Keep up to date with what’s new on the shelves, be the first to find out about our upcoming events and find out when producers are coming in to host tasters.

At our events: Farmers’ Market at our Ockley shop on the first Sunday of each month



T. 01306 880720 for details visit website at:

Village Green


Denbies Wine Estate
Denbies Wine Estate